Leveraging the full potential of your tools is crucial to running a successful brokerage and standing out in the competition. We want your team to succeed and can help you with that.

Join us at our Vertafore Canada Chill and Upskill AcademyMarch 24-27. Engage in expert-led learning sessions designed to help you master Vertafore products. Gain practical insights, learn about the latest product features, and see valuable workflow demonstrations. You’ll also get all your questions answered in a live Q&A portion.

All sessions are available in English and French throughout the week, English sessions start at 1:00 p.m. ET while French sessions start at 10:30 a.m. ET.

See the full English schedule below and here for French.

March 24 (Monday) | Session 1: Month-End Made Easy

Streamline your month-end processes to make reporting easy! We’ll walkthrough processes, show you how to create and customize management reports, and share valuable tips on balancing your reports.

March 25 (Tuesday) | Session 2: Vertafore Canada’s Secrets of the Pros

Designed for both new users and seasoned professionals. Uncover helpful features, learn time-saving shortcuts, and master workflows that will allow you to work more efficiently in SIG and other Vertafore Canada products.

March 26 (Wednesday) | Session 3: Vertafore Canada Fresh Features & Solution Updates

Explore the latest changes and enhancements to Vertafore Canada Solutions. Learn about the new features and improvements in SIG to stay up to date on the latest advancements.

March 27 (Thursday) | Session 4: SIG Reports: From Data to Decisions

Leverage SIG reports and Report Scheduler to uncover valuable data insights. Learn how to move your data into Excel and use data analytics tools like PowerBI to make decisions that drive productivity.

Brett Sivits
Vice President of Client Success, TrustedChoice.com

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