InsurLink can help you generate more revenue…

(P&C premiums - all personal and commercial)
(80% is industry average)
(Source: RiskMatch. Notes: Policies held by InsurLink users are on average 4% more likely to renew than policies held by non-InsurLink users; based on a logistic regression of policies for over 3600 brokers and end-insured logins 1 July 2014 to 14 February 2019 that identified policy retention of 84% on InsurLink vs 80% off of InsurLink)

…and improve profitability

(Based on Hobson analysis of 24 customers; assumes 261 working day per year, average tax and benefits cost of 30% of employee salary - source: Bureau of Labor Statistics
(assumes 4 documents mailed per customer per year and $.55 mailing cost per letter - source: US Postal service) )

Please enter email address to get your revenue Improvement and Yearly Saving

(outcomes depend on how well the agency drives adoption, ranges depicted show InsurLink by 25% and 100% of clients; with use being described as a single login)


End-insureds that use InsurLink are 4% more likely to renew than those that don't

"Source: RiskMatch.
Notes: Vertafore compared policies held by InsurLink users and non-InsurLink users to find that policies held by InsurLink users are on average 4% more likely to renew than policies held by non-InsurLink users. This finding is based based on a logistic regression of policies for over 3600 brokers and end-insureds from 1 July 2014 to 14 February 2019 that identified policy retention of 84% on InsurLink vs 80% off of InsurLink. Vertafore does not guarantee any change in a specific agency's end-insured renewal percentages as results may vary."

Employee cost savings are calculated by using average reductions in time spent on specified activities based on a Hobson analysis of 24 customers. This analysis assumes 261 working day per year and average tax and benefits costs at 30% of employee salary based on data from Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Document distribution cost savings are based on agencies mailing 4 documents per customer per year and $.55 mailing cost per letter. Results may vary depending on number of documents sent to each customer annually as well as any changes in postal prices